Welcome to NBSSE
At the Secondary and Senior Secondary levels, NBSSE provides flexibility in the choice of subjects/courses, pace of learning and quality education to all aspiring students to enable over-aged dropouts complete their schooling and in view of the need to accelerate the pace and progress of secondary education.
Acknowledging the fact that the "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world", NBSSE provides secondary and senior secondary education those belonging to deprived groups (e.g. the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally disadvantaged classes and other socially, culturally, economically, geographically sections of the society, or such other aspects as may be notified by the appropriate Government) and people fitting to weaker sectors who are not able to get secondary and senior secondary education in the usual course of life.
To provide professional services to the government and other agencies in the field of education, in general, and school education, in particular, for the development and growth of distance and open school system and develop appropriate curriculum for vocational and continuing education to prepare student population for the world of work.