NBSSE "National Board of Secondary and Senior secondary Education" is established to furnish to the needs of a diverse group of learners up to pre-degree level.

To provide the best conceivable teaching/ learning environment to its students, so that they can serve the society excellently and with dignity personalized study with flexibility in terms of place and duration

To provide secondary and senior secondary education those belonging to deprived groups (e.g. the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally disadvantaged classes and other socially, culturally, economically, geographically sections of the society, or such other aspects as may be notified by the appropriate Government) and people fitting to weaker sectors who are not able to get secondary and senior secondary education in the usual course of life.

To recognize educational needs of the children/persons of the State who are else not catered to by the formal system of school education and to open study/academic centers.

To deliver opportunities for school education up to pre-degree level through open learning mode, to recognize and uphold standards of learning.

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